Open Consultation
Full Day Rate Premium
Full Day Rate Mid Range
Full Day Rate Average
Hair Styled on set location
Image Retouch Premium
from $120.00
Tearsheet 13 Ambition.jpg
Image Retouch Mid
Image Retouch Express
Make up by Staff
On Site / Location Fashion Shoot
Australian-Agency Editorial.jpg
Photographers Staff Extra Labor Premium
Australian-Agency Editorial.jpg
Photographers Staff Extra labor Mid
Australian-Agency Editorial.jpg
Photographers Staff Extra ~ Average
1/2 Day rate ~ Premium
Anna Vasily Vein 11.JPG
1/2 Day Rate ~ Mid
Sale Price:$1,375.00 Original Price:$1,720.00
Fallon Vasily Vein 12.JPG
1/2 Day Rate ~ Studio della moda
Travel Fee
Wedding Package Charcoal
Wedding Package Metallic
Wedding Package Yellow Metallic
Sale Price:$3,400.00 Original Price:$3,700.00
Wedding Package Pastel
skintool 2.jpg
Product “Natural Light"
Runway Soft ~ La Retta Via
Runway ~ Destra
Runway Sinistra
AM Event9.JPG
Backstage ACCESS ~ Dietro Le Quinte
Headshot ~ Colpi Alla Testa
Rush ‘I Need it Yesterday’
Sale Price:$1,000.00 Original Price:$1,600.00
Lingerie Themed Session
Designer Swim Session ~ Nuotare Nuotare Nuotare
Sale Price:$975.00 Original Price:$1,262.50
Submission Fee for Publication
Write Ups
Premium Write Ups
Premium Write Ups
Wireless On Site View - 1 Monitor
AFM Copyright License - 'CC BY' - 6 month limited use
AFM Copyright / License - 'CC BY' - 1 year limited use
AFM Copyright / License - 'CC BY' 5 year limited use
AFM Copyright / License - 'CC BY' Lifetime use
AFM Copyright / License - 'CC BY SA'
from $2,200.00
AFM Copyright / License - 'CC BY ND' - 6 month limited use
AFM Copyright / License - 'CC BY ND' - 1 year limited use
AFM Copyright / License - 'CC BY ND' - 5 year limited use
AFM Copyright / License - 'CC BY ND' - Lifetime
AFM Copyright / License - 'CC BY NC' - 6 month
AFM Copyright / License - 'CC BY NC' - 1 year limited use
AFM Copyright / License - 'CC BY NC' - 5 years limited use
AFM Copyright / License - 'CC BY NC' - Lifetime use
AFM Copyright / License - 'CC BY NC SA' - 6 months limited use
AFM Copyright / License - 'CC BY NC SA' - 1 year limited use
AFM Copyright / License - 'CC BY NC SA' - 5 year limited use
AFM Copyright / License - 'CC BY NC SA' - Lifetime use
AFM Copyright / License - 'CC BY NC ND' - 6 months limited use
AFM Copyright / License - 'CC BY NC ND' - 1 year limited use
AFM Copyright / License - 'CC BY NC ND' - 5 year limited use
AFM Copyright / License - 'CC BY NC ND' - Lifetime use
Optimized Monitor Calibrations
Remote Control Programming for Entertainment Systems
Artist Portrait Session
Same Day Delivery ( up to 24 hrs completion)
Retouch Brush
Notarized Certificate of Authenticity
Live Stream Stills
Live Stream 4K Video
Genealogy Article and Published Content
Cable Management
Home Theater Remote Control Package
Multi zone receivers are an additional 4 hours of billing
Computer Software Installation
Computer setup and installation
4K UHD Live Video Advertisement
4K UHD Video Interviews
4K UHD Live Video Interviews
4K UHD Live Video Editorials
4K UHD Live BackStage Access B
4K UHD Live BackStage Access A
4K UHD BackStage Access
4K UHD Video Genealogy Documentary Services
Digital Broadcasting: Social Media A
Digital Broadcasting: Social Media B
Digital Commercial Stills