House Policy of AFM - Ambition Fashion Magazine:

We hold the value of published work within our framework to be released to renowned galleries that benefit’s you, the artist.

  • You may not resubmit the same body of work 

  • You may not submit work, renderings, sketches, imagery, or video that has been published anywhere else or on our company’s site.

  • The body of work may NOT be published on any social media. 

  • Your work must originate from you the artist 

  • You must reveal proof of your work, and proof of identification.

  • Upgrade from CC Licenses to Royalty free content from an existing license purchased from our company within 30 days, and get 25% off to save money.

  • Penalties for neglect or misuse result in forfeiting all copyrights - licenses purchased

  • Royalties for any attributions assigned; photographer is primary copyright holder until all copyrights - licensing are transferred per SOP or purchased outright.

  • You may NOT transfer copyright / licensing attributions to another person, family members, or third party.

  • Licensing transfers are required to be exchanged on our platform where new required licensing attributions MUST be selected and purchased

  • You must pay the transfer fee and initiate the transfer process through our company standards and procedures.

  • Building equity in the arts as copyrights - licensing is enforced.

  • Broadcast Media live streams into our platform that incorporates our social media affiliations.

  • Backstage Access streams for exclusive pre show backstage events into our platform 

  • You may only purchase copyright - licensing attributions from our company store as they pertain to our creative content; 4K video, live stills, stills.

  • You must include your name, date of birth, a physical address when purchasing licensing and services from our company

  • All information on ALL lines must be fully complete, inclusive of checked boxes.

  • Ambition Fashion Magazine has the policy to cancel, reject, with or without refunding any investments made based upon unprofessional conduct..

  • Ambition Fashion Magazine is an ‘at will’ company that may or may not to terminate services depending upon your conduct on our own platform

  • ALL Ambition Fashion Magazine Staff are required to have a valid ID, their own heath insurance, transportation, and minimum of 2Mil General Liability Insurance

  • Respect the magazine.

  • Keep conversations on a professional level. 

  • No profanity. 

  • No sarcastic attitudes.

  • No fishing for clients here. No ‘trolling’

  • If your asked more than twice about your conduct  we will ban you for lifetime.

  • No refunds on services.

  • 75% of your paid services will have a restocking fee if you cancel 2 weeks before the appointment ( 75% X services already purchased for restocking fee charges ) . 

  • 95% of your services will have a restocking fee if you cancel 24hrs before the appointment.  ( 95% X services already purchased for restocking fee charges ).


We are an eco-friendly company platform that doesn’t use paper in any way. We’ve established that years back when QR codes were new. As our QR codes are incorporated into certain aspects of the business, our goal remains the same. Keeping our data private. The data is imperative that it is to remain on the site. By the data remaining on the site it prevents identity theft. If you are in need of our information for business related inquires. It is a requirement that you must state why you need access to that specific private information. We will then provide a code once we verify whom you are and what information you may or may not have access to.

In The Physical World Upon First Contact:

Humanity is critically important. Human safety is critically important. Human lives are important. The safety of Human lives are the highest level of law in any country.  In order for us to work together, I am required as a part of our policy to make sure our environment is a safe work space for all of us. On that note, I have to make sure all personnel whom are working directly with my company, ( contractor, employee, or otherwise) and / or in close proximity are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 virus. This means you must provide proof of vaccination. We will view the information with you ID in hand, however we will not write, nor photocopy anything. If there is a failure to comply with our protocol, we will not proceed forward in establishing a working relationship. 

Protocol of Our Services:

If you have purchased any one of our services, we will not refund any finances until you can establish proof of vaccination. If you fail to establish proof of vaccination, we have the right to refuse service to you and your company. Thereby you and your company will forfeit all purchases made to us. Again, human life is irreplaceable and the most important. So is our safety protocol.

For the personnel that are in close proximity of 6ft or less, shall wear a full face mask covering their nose and mouth at all times. Even if you are fully vaccinated. As the transmission for the virus mutation is highly transmittable. All are required to wear a full face mask covering your nose and mouth at all times. This is a requirement, not a choice. 

I understand these times are tough, challenging,  and sensitive in nature, however I will make sure that all information gathered is kept confidential. If we work together, we can achieve this together in peace.

Social Distancing Requirement: 

Standard PPE is to wear gloves, gown, and a mask. We require you to wear a full face mask and gloves if you are under the following procedures.  We are asking that if you hand off any equipment to us while on set you wear gloves and a mask for safety.  And that you place the item on a table, and back away 6 feet. That means no physical contact when handing off the equipment. This is including paperwork, pens, cords, batteries, camera gear, et cetera, et cetera. We aim to stop the transmission of this virus, since we know this method is accurate and effective from our professional experience. 

If you refuse to follow our the guidelines, then we will  refuse to work with you for unsafe actions. You will not get a refund for purchases made at our company for those unsafe actions.  We would feel that if there is any retaliation, we will defend ourselves in protection and then we shall file paperwork with the appropriate channels.  If we are to work together, then all parties involved should be safe enough to have the enjoyment of working together while accomplishing the task ahead. This is our S.O.P. - Standard Operating Procedure.

The 6’ foot or more distance reason in relation to speech: 

Pronouncing your syllables clearly by annunciating emphasis on accents. Is the most complex linguistics for us humans. Every single culture around the world uses accents on words to emphasize their meaning. Often enough when speaking with someone, that emphasized accented words are in your ‘natural defense’ areas. For example, your face.

When these scientists advised to keep your distance at or more than 6 ft, was a minimum guideline to limit your exposure to the deadly virus. In certain cultures, people have a lisp when they speak, causing saliva to eject out of their mouths.

Why not give people the benefit of the doubt? Knowing a minimum distance of six feet is minimal, so why not give people 8ft, or 10ft, or hell double the distance to 12 feet. Help establish that people trust you, and feel safe. Knowing you have their best interest at heart. Better yet , if you develop that trust now, relationships can continue. If you don’t, them hostile actions will take place. You know it’s premeditated murder if you don’t comply, so it’s much, much simpler if you abide by the maximum distance you can give them. 

Now, in a seed spitting contest, seeds go further than 6 ft. So with that in mind, give the distance and save lives while you are fully covered with a mask over your nose and mouth.  The things about wearing a mask is almost the same as astronauts wearing theirs to sustain their lives.

Thank you for understanding. 


Theft and Infringement Penalties: 

Any, and all malicious intent, of theft, vandalism, neglect, carelessness, scam, marketing ploy, mischievous tactic, or other non-arbitrary agreement is considered IP theft. Content value of the imagery, video, or media, or digital media is greater than $500; infringement penalties will incur costs which may include, initial penalty of $250,000 per incident / per image, court fees, attorney cost. This infringement would be considered a ‘cyber crime’ violation resulting in attribution licenses revoked. No refunds on services. No margin for error when our company offers ways to protect the art in the initial capture. Proceeding in our e-store, we offer solutions to meet your un-met demands of licensing the content before its action is used.

If rights are misused, abused, or not renewed on time, then your credit card will be charged an additional amount for the exact same attribution amount automatically to your credit card.



Copyright transfer only valid under the following guidelines:

  • You pay the transfer fee.

  • You pay new establish licensing attributions per assigned user, separate from the transfer fee.

  • You are part of or in the initial content.

  • You and the creator agreed to transfer content

  • You are the creator and wish to transfer your copyright authorities, or ownership to some specific person.

  • You must provide your name, your dob, the new owners name, his / her dob.

  • You must provide a notarized statement that states ‘what exact rights are being transferred’; from initial date to transfer date

  • You are purchasing for one family member per household and is non-transferable to another family member; 

  • or the party accepting the transference may not transfer back to the one engaged party in the transfer process.

  • This specified content is only allowed on one computer, no mobile devices. 



Capturing Product:

This only means that the content imagery or video is licensed. Not the product. Product licensing entails more distinctive direction from third party licensing professionals. Product implementation. Implementation into the digital realm. Our company captures still imagery or video content. This does not mean we endorse your product or license your product. With our company’s services we capture the essence of time itself, by the licensing the digital file captured in a form of a frame.  In addition we highly recommend copyright / licensing your product once captured to claim your rights from the beginning. Once you’re a client it’s easy. We are able to meet your un-met demands. 

Your imagery is licensed and published instantly with our wireless capture & publishing. Its content will be displayed in various sections on our platform at Ambition Fashion Magazine- within our inside covers. More info found at our company’s concierge masthead.


Our company can retroactively recover lost monetary compensation once imagery takes form of a physical essence from creation date - infringement date, which you may incur court fees and penalties. Once that essence is then sold from an unverified business without the un-informed consent of the content creator’s originating business the felony infringement time begins. Nor informing any disclosure of use of copyrights and licensing laws, from the time of capture, or creation date, to the date of the incident results in penalties ranging from $250,000 and up / per incident/ per image.