How we invoice time. Or how we Bill time:

Billing Time: 00h:00m - 00h:59m

Bill Time accordingly :
If client purchases time value increments of 1 hour:

●  Each increment of time representing 1 overage minutes is rounded to the nearest hour if exceeds the original hour.

●  Subsequently, each addition minute after the first minute of overage is billed into 30 minute, or .5 hour increments.

●  If your time value is 75 minutes, then 60 of those minutes is equal to 1 hour. Remaining 15 minutes is billed as 15 separate minutes X 30 minutes or half hour rate.

●  1 hr time breakdown = 45 minute client service time, 15 minute of administration

We here at AFM are here to implore understanding your bill. Our company designed a page giving you and idea for a definition of the time values when you purchase our services.

  • Notification on Royalties : - Our company can retroactively recover from on all accounts, in lue of loss of monetary compensation once imagery takes form of a solid product that is sold from another business without the ill-informed consent originating from the original business , nor disclosure of copyrights and licensing laws, from the time of capture to the present day. Since our company is a publishing company in the business of imagery, video, and other media related content. Or rather, a publishing company in the business of content, i.e, imagery and video. The content , as a standing order shall only be leased. Unless specified per contractual agreement of how, when, where, who, why, and in writing from your company that is notarized from a notary pubic.

    Our company charges for 3 basic things:

    ●  Services - Our company represents time as a form of a service

    ●  Leasing - you temporarily have possession of imagery , however do not own any full copyrights

    ●  Copyright / Licensing - grants defined ownership / possession(s) of imagery /video copyright content for exact durations.