Defining who you are as an artist:

  • Trinacrian Artist with the ability to blend old and new tech in the tradition ways. Create with the values of Passion, Truth, Engineering

  •  ……a publisher whom brings ‘bleeding edge technology’ wirelessly to the media’s forefront

  • ……..a director of 45 consecutive years of film experience

  • ……….I oversee, manage, direct departmental distribution on a global scale


Who am I as a photographer?


Commercial & advertisement editorial fashion photographer…..? I am a ‘Trinacrian’ artist with lineage linked back to 10th century. Born into the art industries through lineage. Lineage, which was passed on from the early 10th century Venetian Republic traditions. Later on developing  to become ‘trade secrets’ transcended down through generation after generation. We see the truth behind beauty. We seek true beauty of people. Inside first, outside second. The inner, will always shine through blossoming into, outer beauty.  

I am a ‘commercial & advertisement editorial fashion photographer’ that implements bleeding edge technology to discover ‘absolute truth behind beauty’ with our magazine so our readers are able to instantly read and view on demand from content that is freshly created. With astound prized background in the entertainment arts industries. Stemming from childhood days on background entertainment sets from that era. Having the experience at a very young age, I’ve been around the fashion advertisement since early 1970’s & 1980’s.

 Labeling the ‘art industries’ to the more traditional generation of professionals, are often referred to as: the ‘visual-art-fashion’ and ‘performing-entertainment-music’ art industries. A distinctive unique set of terminology to describe the arts at their best.The visual-art-fashion’  art industry means you focus visually to fashion and art combined.  The ‘performing-entertainment-music’  means you are actively and physically engaging in an activity while a music artist performs on stage. Many other variations thereof. Affluent early childhood gained ultimate exposure at ABC New York,  BTS - behind the scenes, MGM,  and Yamaha Music Corporation,  to name a few.  In the Entertainment sectors in the 1970’s & 1980’s, I have gained a successful pure side-by-side, or ‘frame by frame’ experience of working with the youngest music prodigies in the art entertainment industries around. 

Listen, I was given an opportunity of photographing fashion since 1978 for over 40 years. Light, changes with ‘time’. In pursuit of the entertainment industry as a child, I’ve felt compelled in a decision to progress a future career in the world of fashion advertisement. The experience of traditional ‘wet’ 110mm film, color, color slides, 8mm video, video, and other media related content created a therapeutic system. Gaining the foundational support system in our company allowing the creativity to flourish. Literally, ‘pushing’ 35mm film to its limits producing memorable gallery quality of imagery. I’v held 7 galleries since 2001 across the states. 

During the developmental and executional process we’ve patented digital technologies to deliver digital media and news. Not only therapeutic system, however a mnemonic system to use that saves company time and revenue. Digital media ages with time, so should your skills within the arts. Currently, I am the astound publisher. 

The Creator. Director. Editor in Chief, of Ambition Fashion Magazine, an online ( with Apple News) and print publication. 

Well-versed Trinacrian engineering. 




Often, I traveled with my mother whom worked for ABC New York, transitioning to Yamaha Music Corporation as an executive while I was a creative adolescent child.  Her career as an executive at ABC,  at a global well-versed company. In the media entertainment sector, a renowned company.  Yamaha Music Corporation. A diversified company that polishes the artistic abilities of young music prodigies at a very young age. 

How you ask? The well-versed educators, instructs the students as their hunger for music develops. The staff encourages the prodigies to practice or rehearse. On readily, available, full rich sounds of Yamaha Grand pianos in soundproofed music rooms.  Exposed to rich full warm tones from ‘tuned’ Yamaha Grand pianos is key.  To adequately listen for chords distinctively with a sudden hint of overtones. A small, yet simple set of instructions of visual-touch-hear-retain-repeat. Trade developmental tools for memory retention. Simple yet effective that allowed the creative process to engage. The other is the design of the sound proof rooms. Inside these ‘piano rooms’ were well planned stylistic design structure of sound foam to significantly reduce outside sound by up to 99%. The ‘trademark’ pattern has multi-faceted directions to use bounce techniques that encompasses full rich dark true sound. The foundation of where young artists are made! 

Technology in Entertainment:

During the coarse of time as a young creative,  I had the ability to figure out the ‘input and output’ on theater systems in order to connect them together as a true sound system.  I’ve been introduced to the reel-2-reel systems and loved it. The reel-2-reel system’s ability of storage that often would be used to store backups and recorded music from any era. Storing large .dat music files that took up at least 1GB was huge back in 1980’s. Then to 8-track, or ‘Lear track’,  enjoyable, yet bulky in the tapes you were not able to fit in your pocket. Music entertained us for hours on end. Progressed to vinyl albums to where the sound was clean, yet short in duration.  Again, a disk the size of a medium pizza. Never carried vinyls around as any scratch would make the entire album useless from the ‘skipping’.  

Moving on to another era that a technological advancement in media, where I’ve then progressed to cassette tapes. Great. Recored songs over the old school airwaves from FM radio. Easy for roughly a 3 x 5’’ inch cassette tape to fit in your pocket for music on the go. In the 1990’s, mini laser disc, was meant for certain iPod sized music players to flawlessly play uncompressed music without the skipping. Caused by ‘shaking’ or ‘bumping’ the music player. In the late 1990’s, Laser Disc was a breakthrough. Simply as you could watch movies in pure Pro-logic and THX surround sounds, as if you were in the theater. Except the theater was at home. The large silver or platinum pizza laser disc, was more resistant to scratches vs. a vinyl album. Around the same era compact disk was huge. Bringing millions to the industry, where artists competed to be on the top charts as they still do today. Today, is a simple click and download the .mp4, or .mp3. Having the ability to enjoy music on the go in a mechanical error free device was the ultimate goal in music entertainment. Well, that brings us up to date. Progressing into technology  into today of wireless streaming